How early do you start planning an event?
Between 1 and 3 months in advance
More than 6 months in advance
Less than a month in advance
Between 3 and 6 months in advance
How do you budget your event?
I don't set a budget but I record expenses
I set a budget breakdown then record expenses
I set a global budget then record expenses
I don't use a budget, I just pay what I need
How do you handle marketing collateral?
I print and distribute marketing material
I don't use any
I upload it to the cloud and distribute it
I use the cloud to distribute & track downloads
How do you promote your participation?
I tell people and use my signature & Social Media
I don't
I tell people around me
I actively advertise it through multiple channels
How do you manage meetings?
I invite people to come visit our booth
I setup meetings with my existing clients before the show
I encourage clients & prospects to schedule a meeting before the show
I talk to visitors as they come
How do you manage your team?
I give individual targets and objectives we review post-show
I set one objective for the team to reach
I give them clear tasks
I trust them to manage their tasks
Who / which departments do you involve?
Me, my boss & sales / marketing
Me only
Me, my boss, sales / marketing & accounting
Me & my boss
How do you involve your team?
I involve the whole team before, during and after the event
I inform them that we will join a trade show early on
I set regular meetings before the show to keep them in the loop
I inform them when I have specific tasks for them
How do you capture leads at your booth?
I use an excel sheet
I use a digital lead capture tool / business cards scanner
I collect business cards
I take pen&paper notes
How fast do you follow-up post-event?
I send an email within 7 days
I send an email on the same day
I send an email after 7+ days
I send an email within 48h
How do you estimate success post-event?
Based on the ROI
Based on visitors' feedback and general traffic
Based on the number of qualified leads
Based on the number of leads captured
Name Email How many trade shows you attend per year?
- please select an answer
2 - 3
3 - 5
5 - 8